Friday, July 8, 2016

Welcome to Oz!!

This year I will be using a Wizard of Oz theme in my first grade classroom. The Wizard of Oz is my favorite movie of all time, and has been since I was a kiddo myself. It teaches so many great things, friendship, teamwork, determination, bravery, imagination, community...etc. See how passionate I can get about it. :)

I will be joining a new school this year and I am so very excited. I think it will be an "oz-some" experience. See what I did there?! LOL

Yesterday I went to see my room and took lots and lots of pics. Here is what the room looks like now.

Now it is time to create a learning wonderland in this awesome space! I can't tell you how excited I am. If you have any suggestions on how to Ozify this space I would love to hear it!

I can't get back into the room until August 8th *sigh* but I will be working on cute stuff while I am at home, so be on the lookout! 

Happy Friday Munchkins!!
